Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Experimental Video Review #4

Doll Face- Andy Huang

This is one of my favourite experimental videos as it combines both craft and concept to get its point across.
The story is about some kind of mechanical face that tries to copy the images that it sees on a T.V screen. The screen moves further and further away and the face tries to get closer and closer so it can keep on copying the images. Eventually the T.V moves too far away and the face breaks itsef because it cant get close enough.
The film is shot completly using CGI and is very sleek and modern. There is no real sound in the vide except for some music and sound effects, the little sound there is could be described as diagetic as the sound fits the soundtrack.
The idea behind this video in my opinion is that we as people are obsessed with looking how people on the T.V tell us to look and that we will go to extraordinary lengths to copy these images even though it is practically impossibly due to the amount of airbrushing and photoshop used in the media.
As I said at the beggining of this review, this is one of my favourite videos as the point was clear and I got it nearly straight away. It made me feel like you dont need to try and look like the people on T.V because you just cant.

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