Monday, September 29, 2008

Two Very Important Words

I'm going to go into a bit more description as to what craft and concept means:

Craft-When you use craft in experimental video you concentrate more on how it looks more than what it actually means. When you prioritise craft over concept in experimental video it usualy means the video is more technically apt and they usually take longer to film.

Concept- A concept in experimental video is the idea that the video is based around. If a video is concept based it needs little or no craft involved at all. If you watch a concept video only for how it is made you probably wont get it, you need to think about what the director is trying to tell you.

Experimental Video Review #3

Girl Chewing Gum- John Smith

This choice I made partly because I couldn't be bothered to find out the names of the people who made the other 3 videos, but also because it has an interesting message.
it was made back in the 1970s and is shot in black and white. It shows a street corner and there is a man narrating and at first it seems like this man is just behind the camera directing. But we soon work out he cant possibly be doing this as he starts to direct real life, for example he tells biirds to fly across the screen and how fast the clock should be going. Eventually he tells us he is in a field somewhere. Then he starts to give more description about the people walking past, telling us what jobs they do and what they are doing off screen.
It is a message telling us that life is staged and all events are predetermined.
This piece is all concept. There is no real craft involved.

Experimental Video Review #2

Jan Kounan- Giselle Kerozene

Even though this video was a bit....odd, I liked the way it had been made.
The story isn't very clear but it involves a chase between two witches. The video is made using stop frame animation, which uses 25 frames per second, and it lasts 2.40mins which means that 6000 frames were used. It is very well put together and must've taken days to complete.
There are two important words when describing experimental video: Craft and Concept. Looking at how something is crafted means you see how it is made, but if you look at the concept you look at why it has been made.
This video would fall under the craft category because it is well put together but doesn't really make a point.

Experimental Video Review #1

Telling Lies- Simon Ellis

We were shown 6 videos in class. Telling Lies was the first one we were shown.
It was a story told through a series of phone calls that piece together the story of a night out gone a bit wrong.
There are no pictures but there are words... the catch is that the words show us what the people who are talking are really thinking.
You could argue that the audio is non-diagetic because the words and thevoices are saying different things but i think the sound is diagetic because it fits the imagery.

It was a pretty funny video and my favourite out of the 6 we saw.

Monday, September 22, 2008

A piece of video art I enjoy

... It's not like I haven't been trying to find a piece, it's just I'm not into the whole 'arty' thing. I'll edit my post when I can find one.

My First Assigment

So I have to write 100 words on what I think experimental video means... well that's 14 right there lol.

Ok serious now... I think experimental video is exactly what it says on the tin. Experimenting with different styes to create an awesome video. If I'm entirely honest I have not had much experiece in this field (my talents mostly lie in tabloid journalism) but I have messed about with home video before. Not a lot of it would be the sort of stuff I'd like to share with other people, especially my class, but we did try out making a proper film with scripts and lighting and everything.
Needless to say it wasn't very good. In fact it was bad, really bad, like the worst kind of bad, like the sort of bad that makes you cringe when you even think about it. But I had fun and that's all that matters... NOT!

During this assigment I expect to experient with different ideas and create short but interesting pieces of cinematography (woo made up words!)

141 words a little overshot but... meh!