Monday, September 29, 2008

Experimental Video Review #3

Girl Chewing Gum- John Smith

This choice I made partly because I couldn't be bothered to find out the names of the people who made the other 3 videos, but also because it has an interesting message.
it was made back in the 1970s and is shot in black and white. It shows a street corner and there is a man narrating and at first it seems like this man is just behind the camera directing. But we soon work out he cant possibly be doing this as he starts to direct real life, for example he tells biirds to fly across the screen and how fast the clock should be going. Eventually he tells us he is in a field somewhere. Then he starts to give more description about the people walking past, telling us what jobs they do and what they are doing off screen.
It is a message telling us that life is staged and all events are predetermined.
This piece is all concept. There is no real craft involved.

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