Monday, September 22, 2008

My First Assigment

So I have to write 100 words on what I think experimental video means... well that's 14 right there lol.

Ok serious now... I think experimental video is exactly what it says on the tin. Experimenting with different styes to create an awesome video. If I'm entirely honest I have not had much experiece in this field (my talents mostly lie in tabloid journalism) but I have messed about with home video before. Not a lot of it would be the sort of stuff I'd like to share with other people, especially my class, but we did try out making a proper film with scripts and lighting and everything.
Needless to say it wasn't very good. In fact it was bad, really bad, like the worst kind of bad, like the sort of bad that makes you cringe when you even think about it. But I had fun and that's all that matters... NOT!

During this assigment I expect to experient with different ideas and create short but interesting pieces of cinematography (woo made up words!)

141 words a little overshot but... meh!

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